Anna Tomczak
2006 Switzer Distinguished Artist
Color Polaroid
Donation by the artist

decorative image of Pine-Cone-Ginger ,   2016-01-22 12:34:29
Pine Cone Ginger

Large format dye-infusion transfer photograph
One of only five in the world, the 20×24 Polaroid Camera is often sought out for the soft rendering of its dye diffusion transfer film, its one of a kind instant picture, and the fine detail of a 20″ x 24″ contact print. Developed in 1976, the 20×24 Camera was built to show off the quality of Polaroid’s color film in replicating master paintings. Since then it has found ever-changing applications with a wide array of artists and photographers such as Anna Tomczack. Only one final print is made in this process, a monoprint.
The Impossible Project – Keeping Polaroid Alive
In March of 2008, Polaroid discontinued production of all of its instant films including 20×24 Polaroid Film. The 20×24 camera is currently operating on the last remaining stock of Polaroid film. Thus the Impossible Project was formed – a group of Polaroid enthusiasts that are trying to create an entirely new instant film product, compatible with Polaroid cameras, that would keep the medium alive. Their mission is to provide this amazing material created by Polaroid as long as it lasts and will provide a high quality alternative when the time is right. In the meantime, access to this technology is still a very rare opportunity, it rarely travels within the US and the opportunity to work with it is a very special situation.
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