decorative image of JennHendrix1st-610x750-1 , Student photographers shine in Jaco’s Annual PSC Sunset Photography Contest 2025-03-24 10:41:02

Jenn Hendrix

A local favorite for many, Jaco’s Bayfront Bar & Grille offers great food, a relaxing atmosphere, and premium sunset views over the water. But for Pensacola State College photography students, it also provides a unique opportunity to showcase their artistic talents.

Among this year’s talented competitors, Jenn Hendrix, a Photographic Technology A.S. student, won first place with her striking image, Storm Meets Solace. Ree Qader, also pursuing an A.S. in Photographic Technology, earned second place and an Honorable Mention.

Hendrix shared that what she likes most about Storm Meets Solace is its unconventional perspective – looking south from the north.

“Oftentimes, when you think of sunset photography, you point the camera toward the west, looking into the sun. I thought this vantage point provided a composition that was unique and different.”

Braving cold and windy conditions, Hendrix took multiple photos to capture the perfect image – one she felt told a compelling story.

“I’m partial to images that tell a story, ones that provide the viewer with an opportunity to think, wonder and explore what they see.”

Jaco’s will feature a solo exhibition of Hendrix’s work called “Inside–Out,” which will be on display from April 2 through April 30.

Hendrix passion for photography began in high school, inspired by her uncle’s SLR camera.

“I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I can’t tell you how many rolls of 35mm film I wasted, but it was addictive – I was hooked!”

decorative image of Jenn-Hendrix-Jacos-Photo-Contest-Winner , Student photographers shine in Jaco’s Annual PSC Sunset Photography Contest 2025-03-24 10:41:49She draws inspiration from legendary photographers, including Margaret Bourke-White, who broke barriers for women in photography. She also admires Lynsey Addario, a renowned photojournalist, and Jon Fletcher, known for his work in photojournalism, documentary photography, and tintypes.

For those who want to see more of Jenn Hendrix’s work, she documents her photographic journey on her website, and her Instagram account, @jennhendrixphotography.

Congratulations to all PSC photography students who participated in Jaco’s Bayfront Bar & Grille’s annual sunset photography contest. Through their creativity, they continue to impress, capturing the beauty of Pensacola’s sunsets in new and innovative ways.